livres électroniques

114 Livres trouvés
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Ketogenic Diet 101

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In santé et forme, Nourriture/Recettes, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

If you’ve been struggling to lose weight even if you’ve been exercising regularly, this could be the ONLY solution for you. This ebook is going to reveal you the diet that will help you to turn your body into a 24/7 fat-burning machine so that you can even burn fat while you sleep!

The Elixir Of Longevity

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In Des articles, Éducation, santé et forme, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

Those panic attacks a person suffers after seeing a single grey hair on their head, the stiffness and cracking sounds of the body or suddenly waking up at night, are just some ethereal signs of aging. Aging can also be regarded as a life saving process, and not as failure of body organs or your system. It is not something to be afraid of; rather, it is something to take pride in.

Enhance Your Energy

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In Des articles, santé et forme, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

If you are constantly feeling tired and suffer from chronic exhaustion, you may be suffering from low energy and fatigue. Understanding the common conditions that can cause fatigue can help you formulate a plan to combat it and enhance your energy so you can live a happier, more energized life.  

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Absolute Yoga

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In Des articles, Éducation, santé et forme, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

People have been searching for the best way to improve all aspects of their life: physical, mental, relationship, self-development & spiritual wellness. We live in a hectic world and everything requires attention. Minus the time we spend on work and our family, we have so little time to do focus on what’s most important in our life.

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Power Mass Blueprint

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In Des articles, santé et forme, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

With this blueprint you’re about to discover the complete bodybuilding system that will help you to get bigger, ripped and strong… so that you will be more attractive, healthier, and have more self-confidence you need to excel in all areas of your life.

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Happiness Starts With You

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In Des articles, santé et forme, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

For most of us, happiness comes in short bursts. We feel happy for a few minutes, and then it disappears.  We can’t seem to maintain happiness for long periods of time. We let the negativity surrounding us overcome our joy, and we end up back where we started.

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Joint Health 101

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In Des articles, santé et forme, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

This is the ultimate guide for understanding the most common health dilemma that affected millions of people — joint problems.  Many people are suffering from aches, pain, and creaky joints every time they walked up the stairs, or bend down to tie their shoes. 

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Forme fonctionnelle

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In Des articles, santé et forme, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

Il s'agit du guide ultime pour les personnes qui souhaitent commencer à faire de l'exercice pour être en bonne santé, mieux bouger et être à leur meilleur, le tout sans passer de longues heures dans une salle de sport. Vous découvrirez tout ce que vous devez savoir pour vous lancer dans le fitness fonctionnel. De plus, vous obtenez un programme d'exercices que vous pouvez suivre à partir d'aujourd'hui.

Le régime Keto à l'épreuve des balles

Auteurs: E. Visconti

In Des articles, santé et forme, Nourriture/Recettes, Esprit, corps et esprit

By E. Visconti

Lorsque les gens atteignent la cétose, non seulement ils perdent du poids, mais ils obtiennent une belle bouffée d'énergie; ils pensent plus clairement et leur peau s'améliore. Il existe une longue liste d'énormes avantages pour la santé de ce régime. Cet ebook vous aidera à adopter le régime céto et à recalibrer votre métabolisme pour une perte de poids durable.