What Deserves Your Attention
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Learn How To Know What Deserves Your Attention ... And What Doesn't!
There are plenty of things in life that probably affect the way you make decisions, and different things which can grab your interest every now and then.
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AccedereLearn How To Know What Deserves Your Attention ... And What Doesn't!
There are plenty of things in life that probably affect the way you make decisions, and different things which can grab your interest every now and then.
However, the truth is, not everything in life really deserves your attention. There are instances when you simply need to let go of some things and divert your attention to those that are more important and urgent, those that really matter. In this book, hopefully, you will get to learn how to be disciplined enough in order for you to pinpoint those things that really deserve your attention and the ones that you simply need to forget.
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