List Building Expert

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E. Visconti 2016
Need a Boost in Sales? Discover The Secret Methods of How to Build a Huge List of Hungry Subscribers Eager to Learn and Buy Everything You've Got! Email lists are extremely vital to the success of a business, and when used properly, they become the heart and soul of your Internet marketing efforts. To be perfectly honest, if you do not have a list, you are only hurting yourself! 

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Need a Boost in Sales? Discover The Secret Methods of How to Build a Huge List of Hungry Subscribers Eager to Learn and Buy Everything You've Got!

Email lists are extremely vital to the success of a business, and when used properly, they become the heart and soul of your Internet marketing efforts. To be perfectly honest, if you do not have a list, you are only hurting yourself! 

Lists bring money, and without them, you are missing out on many opportunities to make money. However, you may still be questioning why you should invest time into building a list. Well, let’s briefly examine some truths about consumer behavior. 

Below are the chapters that you are going to explore:

  • Chapter #1 - Why You Need a List
  • Chapter #2 - Picking an Autoresponder
  • Chapter #3 - Setting up an Opt-in Form
  • Chapter #4 - Ways to Grow Your List
  • Chapter #5 - List Segmentation
  • Chapter # 6 - Plain Text Emails vs. HTML Emails
  • Chapter #7 - Structuring Your Email
  • Chapter #8 - Writing Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines
  • Chapter #9 - Using Emails To Build a Relation With Your Audience
  • Chapter #10 - Tracking Your Metrics

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