Recycling to Save the Earth

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Por E. Visconti Publicado en Sep 1, 2022
En categoría - Artículos, Educación
E. Visconti 2016
Dive into the world of recycling and learn how this rather simple method can bring great changes to the whole world, specifically to your children and their future children! If you think that you are the only one who gets old, then, better think again. Even Earth itself has its own age and as the years go by, this age adds up making the world grow older and older, slowly but surely.

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Dive into the world of recycling and learn how this rather simple method can bring great changes to the whole world, specifically to your children and their future children!

If you think that you are the only one who gets old, then, better think again. Even Earth itself has its own age and as the years go by, this age adds up making the world grow older and older, slowly but surely.

As one of the billions of people living in this world, one of your responsibilities is to ensure that even if the Earth grows older, it will not be affected by the drastic changes that can make its condition worsen. It is not a secret that the continuous piling up of waste has always been one of the serious issues that all countries need to deal with.

In this book, you will be further taken into the world of recycling for you to get to learn how this rather simple method can bring great changes to the whole world, specifically to your children and their future children.

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